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The following indices are regarded as accredited journals by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). 

Journal lists for articles with publication date of 2024

  1. International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
  2. Web of Science Journals
  3. List of approved South African journals as maintained by the DHET
  4. The Norwegian List (only level 2)
  5. SciELO SA
  6. Scopus​
  7. DOAJ (Only applies from the submission in the year 2022 and onwards)

Consult the list shown under Files you can download. This will download in Excel and has multiple tabs for each list - please be sure to check each tab. 


View the DHET List of Approved Journals such as ISI journals, International Bibliography of Social Sciences (IBSS) journals, (DOAJ), and South African journals.


Consult the list shown under Files you can download. This will download in Excel and has multiple tabs for each list - please be sure to check each tab.





Credit and SourceDHET

Files you can download