The South African Copyright Act sets out general exceptions from the protection of literary works.The fair dealing section allows a user to copy, for their own study or research or private use, as much of the work as they need to meet their reasonable needs, without seeking permission from the copyright owner or paying compensation.
Is it correct that as long as I photocopy 10% or less of a published work, this is permitted?
No, it’s not correct. The Copyright Act says nothing about ‘10%’ or about any other percentage. The test for fair dealing is qualitative as well as quantitative, but it is clear that it must be for your own use. So, multiple copies are outside of fair dealing.
Fair use is based on:
The purpose and character of the use
The nature of the copyrighted work
The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the whole
The effect of the use on the potential market for the work
Remember: If your copy deprives the rightsholder of income, then it's not fair, and you can't regard it as fair dealing.
Source: DALRO. Understanding copyright.